Brother Jamir w/ Brother Weeks
Sister Destinee w/ Brother Weeks
My name is Sidney Morris and I am a freshman Business Administration major from Chicago, IL. I am on the track team here at Morehouse and most importantly I am a Christian. I serve as one of the leaders in the Campus Ministry.
The brothers of Morehouse began somethings new and exciting last semester in their efforts to help those who were struggling in so many areas of their lives. In the Bible the apostle said "so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well"
I Thessalonians 2:8. The Men of Morehouse get together each week before the Bible study to focus on 5 areas:
(1) Academics
(2) Physical Health
(3) Mental Health
(4) Economics
(5) Spirituality
We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable holiday season at home with family, friends and other loved ones. During the holiday we are still working and preparing with our mentor and minister to plan for another productive and fruitful year in the Lord. We have set goals to assist students (people) who desire to better their lives.
We have students from other parts of the AUC that are also preparing to join in with us as the semester get started soon. We are also reaching out to Metro Atlanta Community College.
We started with more of a focus on getting the brothers (men) to come together to get what they need. God will hold men accountable to lead in the home, church and in the world so thus we continue to prepare. We welcome our sisters to come and study with us after our brothers devotionals from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursdays.
Many of you have received a call, text, email or letter regarding this movement for CHANGE.
It is time to CHANGE or REPENT so that we can allow God to use us for better service in His Kingdom (the church) and in the world.
(1) Student if you want more resouces for college you need to make the effort to go after the resouces needed to help you ACADEMICALLY!
(2) We are making the effort to take better care of our physical HEALTH. Watch all of that process food, sugar and excessive salt!
(3) We will in a time where more people are committing suicide. Brothers let's ask how people are REALLY doing. Mental HEALTH checks with people around you. Hurting ? Get Help.
(4) We are assisting everyone to start a business to build a legacy. Details are given in our meetings. ECONOMICS is important!
(5) Most important is the fact that God must be at the center of our lives. We are to be seeking FIRST GOD's Kingdom and His Righteousness! (Matthew 6:33) We invite you to study the Bible and worship with us. If you are interested in joining this movement for CHANGE complete the form below and we will get back with soon. Be blessed!!
How can the above areas help you in your life? Who do you know that benefiit from this information? Are you living in your purpose? What can you bring to the table to assist us in reaching our goals? How soon can you get started?
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